4th Quarter
Thanks for submitting reading logs weekly as evidence that your child is reading at least 20 minutes at home every evening. Please continue to ensure your child is reading at home daily. During the 4th quarter, you will no longer need to submit evidence of your child's reading away from school. Thanks so much for consistently tracking your child's reading this year.
Spring Portfolio Parties
We are excited to announce that we will be having spring portfolio parties! This format is similar to the student-led parent/teacher conferences that have been held in the past.
During each 30-minute time block, each student (3 students per slot) will meet with their parents to showcase their progress in first grade. With assistance from the teacher, the children will be responsible for choosing the items that are being shared during the portfolio party. We know you will be proud as you listen to your child while he/she shares information about the First Grade Year. Please come prepared with 2 or 3 thoughtful questions to ask your child. The children will look forward to answering your questions. The teachers will act as facilitators as they circulate within the small group. Report cards will be sent home separately and will not be a part of the discussion.
3 students will present to their parents during each 30-minute block. I will float between groups to support presenting students. Click here to select a slot.
Friday Fiesta
March 14, 2014
During our current I.B.unit of inquiry, we will investigate North American cultures. This week we will be learning about our neighbor to the south, Mexico. As a culminating activity, we will have a small fiesta (Willy's will be providing lunch for each student). Please do not send lunches with students on Friday. If you would like to send supplemental items for students to enjoy, visit our Friday Fiesta Wish List.
Wish List Update
Please click here to donate much needed items. |
New Parent Volunteer Requirements
(Small Group & Mystery Readers)
Georgia Law mandates that all individuals who volunteer in schools are mandatory reporters for suspected child abuse. Therefore, effective immediately, Atlanta Public Schools is requiring that all volunteers complete the on-line training. At the conclusion of the training, please print and complete the Volunteer Training Acknowledgement (attached). Volunteers are also requested to provide a copy of a photo ID along with the Acknowledgement and the Volunteer Release Form (attached). Please provide the Release Form, the Acknowledgement and a copy of the photo ID to your child’s teacher on or before March 14, 2014.
Volunteers reporting to the school to volunteer, who have not completed the training, will be permitted to utilize a computer at Sarah Smith in order to view the presentation, as appropriate. This will be an annual requirement for volunteers moving forward.
The child abuse training for volunteers may be found on the Atlanta Public Schools website under the community tab. The direct link is: http://www.atlanta.k12.ga.us/Page/37198
Mark Your Calendars!
Friday, March 21
Field Trip: Atlanta History Center
SRS Blue Shirts
Monday, March 24
Spring Book Fair Purchase Day
Wednesday, March 26
Field Trip: Atlanta Symphony
Semi-formal Attire